Complete the introduction quest.
Obtain all other trophies.
Have a full cargo.
Catch all aberrations.
Complete all side quests. One way or another.
Catch all known species of fish.
Visit every dock in the game.
Install equipment into every slot on your ship.
Research all rods.
Research all nets.
Research all pots.
Research all engines.
Catch 250 fish using rods.
Catch 100 crabs in crab pots.
Catch 150 fish in trawl nets.
Deliver the Key.
Sell a total of $2500 worth of fish.
Sell a total of $1500 worth of trinkets.
Deplete a total of 25 fishing spots.
Have a combined fishing speed of 200%.
Have a combined engine speed of 75kn.
Have a combined light strength of 3000 lumens.
Upgrade to the 2nd tier hull.
Upgrade to the 3rd tier hull.
Upgrade to the 4th tier hull.
Discard 25 fish.