No one knows everything.
He might have a red bandana but he is not an action hero.
God knows how much time setting this trap…
We just hope you didn't brute force this.
We come in peace...
We saw it on a documentary!
Can I have a pony for Christmas?
Don’t you ever call me chicken again!
Long story going.
Don't go around saying that…
He is smart, he can do it...
Your worst nightmare.
Are you sure you can do this?
Lucky for you we are not in a movie.
Okay… this is the point of no return.
Say anything...That's a neat trick but don't over do it.
He looks like a glitching robot when he is doing it.
Unless you are a cockroach...
Even Indiana had to dealt with snakes.
What a great escape. Plissken would be proud!
Maybe you can hire... the M-Team.
You deserve some credit for your work.
We gotta disappear.
It ain't about how hard you hit.
Believe me... This works... Said no one.
After some training you get good at this.
You are not expendable.
Cool guys don't look at explosions.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Don't try this at home.
I'm into survival.