Bombing Run shield triggered 10 times in a single game.
Manually trigger the shield in Bombing Run before an enemy touches you.
Kill 1000 Enemies in total.
Kill 5000 Enemies Total.
Kill 25000 Enemies Total
Kill 100000 Enemies Total.
Score over a million points in Bombing Run
Score over 10 million points in Bombing Run
Survive for 5 minutes in Rush
Survive for 25 minutes in Rush
Get a 100X combo in any game mode.
Get a 200X combo in any game mode.
Get a 300X combo in any game mode.
Reach Level 40 in Survival.
Reach level 15 in Crunch Time.
5-Star a Challenge
5-Star 10 Challenges in one game.
5-Star every Challenge in a single game.
Get 10 point blank kills in 1 second.
Get 100 Slowmo Kills in 1 second
Get 1000 Slowmo kills total.
Get 1000 Point Blank kills total.
Kill 60 enemies with a single bomb in either Survival, Crunch Time or Rush.
Kill 120 enemies with a single bomb in either Survival, Crunch Time or Rush.
Kill 30 Enemies with a single bomb while in Slowmo in either Survival, Crunch Time or Rush.
Detonate the Bomb in Bombing Run with less than 1 second on the clock.
Die 3 times in a row without having killed anything.
Kill Two Cubes with the same bomb.
Reach level 5 without Moving or dying.
Get 30 point blank kills in a row.
Pick up a multiplier just before it despawns.
Survive for 10 mins in Rush.
Survive for 15 mins in Rush.
Reach Level 10 in Survival.
Reach Level 20 in Survival.
Reach Level 30 in Survival.
Reach Level 10 without collecting any multipliers.
Have 6 lives at once.
Have a third of the arena covered by the Virus.
Destroy 250 Virus Cells with in a single combo.
Get a 15X Multiplier in a single game.
Get a 25X Multiplier in a single game.
Complete a game scoring more than 10 million points without using a bomb.
Use a bomb without killing a single enemy.
Counter Stop the Game in any mode.
Survive for 10 minutes on a single life in any game mode.
Kill a Cube at Point Blank range while it's Charging.
Survive 1 minute without firing a shot in Survival Mode.
Drop 3 bombs in a single combo.
Drop 5 bombs in a single combo.
Drop 10 bombs in a single combo.
Get at least 3 stars across all levels in Challenge mode in a single game.
Get at least 4 stars across all levels in Challenge mode in a single game.
Get 5 stars for all 20 levels in Challenge mode (across any number of games)