Win the campaign for the Golden Realm
Win as Commonwealth defector
Max out the race governance for three races in a single game
Get a pure evil alignment
Summon a Fallen Angel
Win any level by claiming a seal victory
Win any level with a Shadowborn leader
Win any level with a Grey Guard leader
Summon a Chthonic Guardian
Use throw filth on an enemy
Kill a leader with Invoke Death
Animate a ruined town
Win any level with the Necromancer leader class
Win any level with a Frostling leader
Summon a Dread Reaper
Research Harbingers of Death
Win any level with a Keeper of Peace leader
Summon an Arch Angel
Win an online game
Maximize a unit's luck
Participate in a PBEM game
Create a custom leader
Have six Tigran cities in a single game
Play a user created map
Start an online game
Win any level with the Warlord leader class
Win any level with a Tigran leader
Win a random scenario
Force the AI to surrender to you
Obtain a Naga dwelling
Max out the race governance for one race in a single game
Build a city specialization upgrade
Complete an empire quest
Recruit 3 heroes in a single game
Recruit a Necromancer hero
Win any level with the Sorcerer leader class
Win as Elven Court defector
Win any level with the Dreadnought leader class
Liberate an oppressed enemy city via a betrayal event
Win any level with the Theocrat leader class
Get a pure good alignment
Win any level with the Archdruid leader class
Fill all equipment slots on a single leader or hero
Raze or plunder a town
Hatch an egg
Freeze an enemy unit
Kill a frozen enemy
Research all skills in a single game
Promote a unit to gold
Clear an exploration site
Win any level with the Rogue leader class
Create an item in the item forge
Acquire a dwelling
Acquire an independent town through diplomacy
Produce all city-upgrades in a single city
Have 50 casting points on your leader
Form an alliance
Win a siege battle
Found an outpost
Embark a unit
Win a tactical battle
Complete a quest
Win the campaign for the Commonwealth
Win the campaign for the Elven Court
Win 10 online games
Win 30 online games
Befriend an elephant
Win the Eternal Lords campaign for the Undead
Win the Eternal Lords Campaign for the Shadowborn
Win the Eternal Lords Campaign for the Frostlings
Obtain a Reef Colony
Win a PBEM game
Win a unifier victory