Study the ways of the clutch claw.
Unlock all trophies for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
Establish all camps in the Hoarfrost Reach.
Spend some time in a natural hot spring.
Obtain five extremely rare pieces of armor.
Obtain five extremely rare weapons.
Use your first Raider Ride.
Use Raider Ride many times.
Find your first treasure.
Find all treasure within a single locale.
Find all treasure.
Change your room's interior for the first time.
Have 50 different types of room decor to choose from.
Have 120 different types of room decor to choose from.
Help the Steamworks 20 times.
Send the Steamworks into overdrive.
Obtain your first miniature crown for capturing endemic life in master rank.
Obtain your first gold crown for capturing endemic life in master rank.
Complete your first request for the Lynian Researcher.
Complete many requests for the Lynian Researcher.
Aid a low rank or high rank hunter on 10 quests as a master rank hunter.
Reach master rank 200.
Maximize the research level for almost all large monsters.
Obtain a miniature crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
Obtain a gold crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
Hunt your first large monster in a master rank quest.
Hunt 100 large monsters in master rank quests.
Capture 50 large monsters in master rank quests.
Slay 50 elder dragons in master rank quests.