ME2: Acquire all trophies
ME2: Keep your team alive through the suicide mission
ME2: Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation
ME2: Survive suicide mission
ME2: Use the Omega 4 Relay
ME2: Hack a geth collective
ME2: Obtain geth technology
ME2: Confront the Shadow Broker
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict
ME2: Successfully shut down the rogue VI in Project Overlord
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the mercenary
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Professor
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the krogan
ME2: Thresher Maw defeated
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Assassin
ME2: Gain the loyalty of Archangel
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the quarian
ME2: Fully upgrade a weapon
ME2: Help the Justicar resolve her mission
ME2: Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel
ME2: Successfully recruit the Assassin
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer
ME2: Successfully recruit the Justicar
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative
ME2: Successfully recruit the quarian
ME2: Visit 100% of the planets in an unexplored cluster
ME2: Defend a human colony from attack
ME2: Warp the barriers of 25 enemies
ME2: Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects
ME2: Successfully recruit the biotic Convict
ME2: Evolve any power
ME2: Successfully recruit the krogan
ME2: Complete 5 missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds
ME2: Successfully recruit Archangel
ME2: Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies
ME2: Complete a mission discovered by scanning an unexplored world
ME2: Gain the loyalty of the thief
ME2: Disrupt the shields of 25 enemies
ME2: Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory
ME2: Successfully recruit the Professor
ME2: Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets
ME2: Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire
ME2: Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries
ME2: Return to active duty
ME2: Save your crew from an overwhelming attack