Kill 100 enemies with Shield Rush
Collect all Collectibles in the Foundation
Find all hidden locations in the Foundation
Have a Deployed Ranger kill 5 enemies
Complete all Missions in the Foundation
Kill 50 Hiss Sharpened
Use Shape and Fracture a combined total of 100 times
Unlock all other trophies
Spend 100 Ability Points
Complete 25 Board Countermeasures
Kill 10 enemies with the Shield Burst Ability
Use Multi-Launch to hit 3 targets
Kill 50 enemies with Surge
Find 80% of the hidden locations in the Investigations Sector
Kill 25 Airborne Rangers
Find 80% of the Collectibles in the Investigations Sector
Play a single game in Arcade Mode
Complete 15 Side Missions
Cleanse 25 Control Points
Spend 50 Ability Points
Complete 10 Side Missions
Upgrade any Weapon Form to Level 3
Complete 5 Side Missions
Unlock all 3 Personal Mod slots
Obtain the Shield Ability
Obtain the Levitate Ability
Killed 1000 Hiss
Collect 120 Collectibles
Complete 5 Bureau Alerts
Use Launch to throw a grenade or rocket
Compel 10 enemies with the Seize Ability
Collect more than 100,000 Source
Obtain the Compel Ability
Cleanse 10 Control Points
Complete 5 Board Countermeasures
Complete 1 Bureau Alert
Collect 80 Collectibles
Kill 50 enemies with the Launch Ability
Cleanse 5 Control Points
Obtain the Evade Ability
Construct a Weapon Form or Mod
Unlock 1 Ability Tree Upgrade
Collect 40 Collectibles
Obtain the Launch Ability
Obtain the Service Weapon