Took four full long rests - adventuring's tiring work.
Dug up five buried chests - treasure!
Successfully used Detect Thoughts to pry into someone's thoughts.
Broke out of prison after being arrested - aren't you daring?
Recruited a hireling. You can befriend them or use them as cannon-fodder - we won't judge.
Multiclassed into every class in one playthrough without asking Withers to change your character.
Created three unique alchemical solutions - bottoms up!
Used one enemy as an improvised weapon against another.
Earned a hundred gold from playing sweet, sweet music.
Performed five attacks in one turn. Your enemies won't know what hit them (literally).
Killed a character with an unarmed strike.
Defeated Commander Zhalk in the Nautiloid.
Killed the Surgeon without letting him perform surgery on you in combat.
Defeated the Toll Collector without her using gold against you - excellent budgeting.
Defeated Gortash in Wyrm's Rock without activating any traps.
In the Wyrmway, knocked the dragon out of the sky mid-flight - KAPOW.
Long Rested using only alcohol - a time-honoured dwarfish tradition.
Killed a creature with falling damage.
Read 100 different books in a single playthrough. Adventuring isn't just daring quests, you know.
Defeated twenty opponents while drunk - downed them.
Played fetch with Scratch - the best boy in the Realms.
Complete the game in Tactician mode.
Completed the game in Honour mode.
Completed ten background goals - you became one with your character.