Complete the first 5 Training Levels
Complete 5 Season Contracts
Earn 50,000 XP
Earn 100,000 XP
Earn 250,000 XP
Win 10 matches while grouped with a Friend
Play 30 matches while grouped with a Friend
Win 5 matches while grouped with a Crewmate
Use 5 Energy Drinks
Play 100 matches
Score 1000 KOs
Be the MVP of a three or four player team 5 times
Win 30 matches
Catch 1000 dodgeballs
Score 1000 KO Assists
Score 100 KO Finishes with Ultimate Throws
Travel 100km in ballform
Win 10 rounds with five times the opponent's score
Win a match without being KO'd
Score 10 KOs without being KO'd
Win a match without throwing a single dodgeball - Passing is allowed!
Win matches with 10 unique Outfits
Win a match while having an Uncommon (or rarer) accessory equipped in each slot
Win a match while having a Legendary Outfit equipped
Win matches with each Style of an Outfit
Win a match while having 5 or more Legendary accessories equipped
Win matches with 20 Outfit and/or Glove Styles
Win a match while having Legendary Glasses equipped
Win a match while having Legendary Gloves equipped
Win a match while having a Legendary Glider equipped
Complete 100 Daily Contracts
Complete 30 Crew Contracts
Complete 5 Event Contracts
Complete 100 Contracts