Win ten multiplayer games as the Admiral.
As an apprentice, convert into a Admiral.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Apprentice.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Arcanist.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Artificer.
As an ashling, lynch an orphan.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Ashling.
As an assassin, die while attacking a wolf role.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Assassin.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Banshee.
As a Barbarian, gain a Town Investigator ability.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Barbarian
As a Bard, gain a killing ability and slay a player you previously sang about.
Listen to 6 different bard songs in one game.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Bard.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Baroness.
As the Berserker, kill a Blood Oak with a throwing axe.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Berserker.
As a wolf role, be nominated 30 times by your own team.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Blasphemer.
As a Blood Oak, successfully kill the bard.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Blood Oak.
As a Riding Hood, be protected during a night where you would have been eaten and won.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Bodyguard.
As the prince, be nominated with 3 or more bonus votes.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Bruiser.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Captain.
Use your bonus gallow to get an Imp or Demon lynched
Win ten multiplayer games as the Carpenter.
As a Changeling, turn into an Apprentice.
As a Changeling, turn into... Another changeling.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Changeling.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Cleric.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Concubine.
As the Corpse Bride, win a game by being the last player standing.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Corpse Bride.
As the countess, have a Prince and a King as your neighbors.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Countess.
As a Coward, redirect the attack that kills the last werewolf in the game.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Coward.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Dark twin.
Have more than 5 roles in one game.
Win a game containing one demon and two imps.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Demon.
Observe a player visit another player 50 times.
As a Direwolf, kill 6 players in three rounds.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Direwolf.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Diseased.
As a Draketamer, be slain by a Wyvern.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Draketamer.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Dryad
Become the owner of your own head through role-swapping
Win ten multiplayer games as the Dullaghan.
As the Executioner, decapitate the Dullaghan (aka the Headless Horseman).
Win ten multiplayer games as the Executioner.
As a Exile, become wartrained by the Tactician, then kill two non-town roles.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Exile.
As a Fence, become a Berserker.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Fence.
Copy protection directly from a Bodyguard protecting himself.
As a fisherman, copy protection from a Patron that is itself protected.
Attempt to copy protection from someone attacking you.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Fisherman.
Play a game with the developer... Then kill him.
Reach level 5 with the Geisha.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Geisha.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Ghast.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Ghoul.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Gremlin.
As the Guardian, become wartrained by the Tactician.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Guardian.
With the attacks caused by your on-death ability, win the game for your team.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Hellhound.
Win a game with the hermit by being the last player left alive.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Hermit.
Have three or more different wolf roles in a single game.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Hollow Husk.
Witness a hunter shooting another hunter.
As a hunter, successfully shoot the Blood Oak.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Hunter
As an Ignoble, remain Town for 30 games.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Ignoble.
As an Imp, receive Divine Intervention from a Guardian.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Imp.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Incubus.
As the Inquisitor, eliminate three players tamed by the Draketamer.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Inquisitor.
As the Jester, eliminate another Jester using your Last Laugh.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Jester.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Karura.
As the king, bestow the Royal Decree to a Prince.
Win ten multiplayer games as the King.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Kitsune.
As a Knight, somehow kill a Wolf role at night.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Knight
As the Krampus, have three or more players on your naughty list...
Win ten multiplayer games as the Krampus.
As a landlord, have both your neighbors killed during the same phase.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Landlord.
Start out the game as a lycan, end the game as a Direwolf.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Lycan.
Have everyone change places at least once in a 10+ game.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Mad Hatter.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Maiden.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Mentalist.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Minotaur.
As a Mirrorbeast, sing a bard song.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Mirror Beast.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Monk.
Perform a moonstrike on a Concubine while the Concubine is visiting you.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Witch of Moon.
Win ten multiplayer games as the necromancer.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Nightmare.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Okami.
Kill 20 players while they were under protection.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Oni.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Oracle.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Orphan.
Turn 30 people into Jesters
Win ten multiplayer games as the Pandora.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Patron.
Infect 100 players with the Plague.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Plague Lord.
As the Jester, have your Last Laugh triggered by a Poppet
As the Prince, have a Poppet attempt to lynch you.
As a Poppet in a public match, tether your soul to the prince.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Poppet.
As the Possessed, have four different active powers at once.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Possessed.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Prince.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Prophet.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Pumpkin King.
In a public game, have all other players purified at least once.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Purist.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Raven.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Reaper.
Reach level 5 with the Riding Hood.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Riding Hood.
Kill a werewolf at night, despite no Town Crowd death.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Ronin.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Sage.
Spawn as a Sandman in a ranked game with a Knight and a Concubine.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Sandman.
As a Scholar, retrain an orphan, wolf cub or ashling.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Scholar.
As the Scout, observe the player that is actively killing you.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Scout
As the Scylla, convert two town investigators into werewolves in a single game.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Scylla.
As a Seer, detect yourself and get a Werewolf result.
As an Apprentice, be targeted by the Seer the same night as you become the Seer.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Seer.
As the Selkie, make the Admiral look like a Werewolf.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Selkie.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Sellsword
Protect 300 players with Ancestral Winds.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Shaman.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Shieldmaiden.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Skinflayer.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Squire.
As a Stalker, watch a Scout watching you...
Win ten multiplayer games as the Stalker.
With the game with a Succubus & Concubine team.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Succubus.
Survive a game with at least ten human players.
As the Tactician, cast Wartrained on a Hunter.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Tactician.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Templar.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Toothfairy.
Torture 100 players. Be convinced they deserved it.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Torturer.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Traveller.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Troll.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Troublemaker
In a public match, transition from Usurper to Jester.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Usurper.
As the Varkolak, end the game with all town roles revealed.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Varkolak
Poison 30 players.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Venomancer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Admiral.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Apprentice.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Arcanist.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Artificer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Ashling.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Assassin.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Banshee
Win your first multiplayer game as the Barbarian.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Bard.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Baroness.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Berserker.
Win your first multiplayer game as the blasphemer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Blood Oak.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Bodyguard.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Bruiser.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Captain.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Carpenter.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Changeling.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Cleric.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Concubine.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Corpse Bride.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Countess.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Coward.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Dark Twin.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Demon.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Direwolf.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Diseased.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Draketamer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Dryad.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Dullaghan.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Executioner.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Exile.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Fence.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Fisherman.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Geisha.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Ghast.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Ghoul.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Gremlin.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Guardian.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Hellhound.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Hermit
Win your first multiplayer game as the Hollow Husk.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Hunter.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Ignoble.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Imp.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Incubus.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Inquisitor.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Jester.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Karura.
Win your first multiplayer game as the King.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Kitsune.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Knight.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Krampus.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Landlord.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Lycan.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Mad Hatter.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Maiden.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Mentalist.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Minotaur.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Mirror Beast.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Monk.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Witch of Moon.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Necromancer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Nightmare.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Okami
Win your first multiplayer game as the Oni.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Oracle.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Orphan.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Pandora.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Patron.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Plaguelord.
Win your first public game as a Poppet.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Possessed.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Prince.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Prophet.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Pumpkin King.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Purist.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Raven.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Reaper.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Riding Hood.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Ronin.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Sage.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Sandman.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Scholar.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Scout.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Scylla.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Seer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Selkie.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Sellsword
Win your first multiplayer game as the Shaman.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Shieldmaiden.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Skinflayer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Squire.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Stalker.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Succubus.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Tactician.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Templar.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Toothfairy.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Torturer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Traveller
Win your first multiplayer game as the Troll
Win your first multiplayer game as the Troublemaker.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Usurper.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Varkolak
Win your first multiplayer game as the Venomancer.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Villager.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Warden.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Watchman.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Wendigo.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Werebat.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Werewolf.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Wildling.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Witch of Blood.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Witch of Envy.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Witch of Light.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Wolf Cub.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Wolfmother.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Woodsman.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Wukong.
Win your first multiplayer game as the Wyvern.
Have five or more bonus votes on one player.
Win ten multiplayer games as the villager.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Warden.
As the Watchman, attempt to protect the Warden.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Watchman
Win ten multiplayer games as the Wendigo.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Werebat.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Werewolf.
As a Wildling, collect three different Victory Conditions.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Wildling.
Win ten games as a villager.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Witch of Blood.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Witch of Envy.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Witch of Light.
As a wolf player, obscure the wolf aura of your teammates 50 times.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Wolf Cub.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Wolfmother.
Be a Woodsman between a Riding Hood and a Werewolf.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Woodsman.
Transform into the Wukong after round 1.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Wukong.
Kill 3 players in a single match as the Wyvern.
Win ten multiplayer games as the Wyvern.