Complete a level without hitting the orb with the magic wand.
Kill 5 slimes in a row without hitting the orb with the magic wand.
Defeat the Werewolf.
Defeat Daddy Slime.
Earn a star for every World.
Complete a bonus level without bursting a bubble.
Buy the jewel crown.
The orb bounces for 45 seconds before coming back to the magic wand.
Drink a pint without losing an orb.
Complete a level after the magic wand was destroyed.
Have all 5 charms active simultaneously.
Earn 50 000 GP.
Completely rebuild Tarot village.
Defeat the Devil King.
Found all missing children.
Bounce the orb 50 times with the magic wand without breaking anything.
Defeat the Devil King before rebuilding anything.
Complete the game on hard difficulty.
Defeat Grim Reaper.
Defeat Gorgon Eye.