Deal 5000 damage while flying.
Reach the bottom in Awakened Mode.
Utilize 3 batteries in a single run.
Reach the bottom with The Crevette.
Uncover every relic.
Break through your first 1,000 fathoms.
Reach the bottom without angering a civilization.
Reach the bottom without curing any afflictions.
Reach the bottom with The Espadon.
Overcome your first Lair Guardian.
Disassemble 100 Lair Guardians.
Dive 20,000 fathoms under the sea.
Reach the bottom without a backpack.
Reach the bottom with The Perle.
Reach the bottom with The Poubelle.
Reach the bottom with The Requin.
Experience a heart-breaking divorce.
Unleash a horrific yet adorable accident of nature.