Get all the trophies of Effie.
Complete the Fisher Fish area.
Find all relics in the Temple of the Elder Protectors.
Find all relics in Windmills Town.
Find all relics in Woodborn.
Find all relics in The Vineyards.
Find all relics in the Red Plains of Oblena.
Find all relics.
Get Runestone.
Get the Dash skill.
Get the Boomerang skill.
Get the Earthquake skill.
Reach the maximum speed surfing.
Upgrade Galand's power for the first time.
Get all Runestone skills.
Upgrade Galand’s power 6 times.
Open 20 Experience Chests.
Complete the Harmony Obelisks area.
Complete the Fire Hammer Coliseum area.
Complete the Quick Imp area.
Complete the Quiet Rock area.