Complete User Integration
Executed 1000 Attack Sequences
The true DESYNC starts here
Defeated Xeoron without taking damage
Defeated Xeoron Swiftly
Used the Aegis and Parried Xeoron
Defeated Zentore without taking damage
Defeated Zentore Swiftly
Deny Zentore from healing over 33% of it's health
Defeated Ypsiliform without taking damage
Defeated Ypsiliform swiftly
Used the Pulsar to Desync Ypsiliform
Killed 1000 Enemies
Overkilled 500 Enemies
Desynced 100 Enemies
Launched 100 Enemies
Blasted 100 Enemies
Generated 50 Shards
Melted 50 Shards
Toxified 50 Enemies
Petrified 50 Enemies
Froze 50 Enemies
Maxed out the Kill Stream
Maxed out the Overkill Stream
Maxed out the Attack Sequence Stream
Maxed out the Desync Stream
Maximised Damage Increase
Maximised Firerate Increase
Maximised Retention Increase
Maximised Speed Increase
Cleared a level with perfect accuracy
Cleared a level with S+
Desynced every enemy in a level
Gained a total score of 10,101,101
Discovered the Virus Core
Discover All Priority Styles
Discover All Manoeuvre Styles
Discover All Offence Styles
Execute the Augur Attack Sequence
Execute the Refusal Attack Sequence
Execute the Multiplex Attack Sequence
Combined all Zone Structs
Executed the Justicar Attack Sequence
Executed the Nether Attack Sequence
Executed the Joust Attack Sequence
Executed the Extent Attack Sequence
Executed the Amplitude Attack Sequence
Executed the Stimulator Attack Sequence
Executed the Divider Attack Sequence
Executed the Sculptor Attack Sequence
Executed the Fusillade Attack Sequence
Maintained Desync Time for over 15 seconds
Maxed out every Stream at once