Buy a property.
Build a hotel.
During the dice throw make each die hit a token.
Throw a triple using the Speed Die.
Land on Income Tax square on your first turn.
Collect rent from a player, while they have not completed a full circle around the board.
Get more than M100 from a Chance or Community Chest card.
Win a match.
Land on every single square on the board during a single match.
Playing with the "Go and Movement" house rule, choose to move when landing on the Go square.
In a single match, have a hotel on two different color sets.
Find a token in the Living city using the Explore option.
Complete a match with 4 players, no AI.
Win a game against 5 AI players.
In a match with 3 players or more, acquire a property that has been owned by every other player.
Win a match with the Fast mode goal "Architect", while someone else only needs another house to win.
Be the first player at the start of the match.
Buy all the houses from the bank.
Place a hotel on each property of the purple color set in a single match.
Own both utility buildings and all Train stations in a single match.
Through a trade, have each player complete a color set.
Collect more than M500 rent during a single match.
Declare bankruptcy.
With the Free Parking house rule, land on the Free Parking square and receive more than M800.
Explore the living city.
Play a house rule match.
Win a match within 15 minutes.
Build a house.