Defeated Kid Tannen.
Got a gangster's girl to do the right thing.
Dried a cop out.
Got a full explanation of your situation.
Broke the password code without cheating.
Tracked down a missing accountant.
Rescued Doc from Kid Tannen.
Acquired Emmett's Rocket Drill.
Delivered the subpoeana to Arthur McFly.
Managed to get 190-proof alcohol delivered to Emmett's.
Talked Emmett into completing the Rocket Drill.
Namechecked "Back to the Future" creators.
Traveled back in time to rescue Doc.
Got Doc's Notebook back from Biff.
Heard about the curious fate of Marshall Strickland.
Perfectly repeated dialog while repeating Doc's temporal experiment.
Find a hidden passageway.
Defeated the Tannen Brothers in six jumps.
Rescued Arthur with minimal fuss.
Enjoyed a full set from Hill Valley's leading songstress.
Found "Chuckles Lenart".
Layout Biff and escape the speakeasy.
Used the DeLorean parts to enter Hill Valley.
Got caught with Lorraine's booze.
Got caught making out with Jennifer.
Got caught with Einstein.
Jumped into the Decycling Bin.
Listened to all tourist audio guides in Hill Valley.
Collected every Demerit in the game.
Use the spray can to paint Marty's band name in the alley.
Examined every container of contraband in the speakeasy.
Coax Edna out of the courthouse with the buzzer.
Marty and Emmett head to the Expo.
Gave Emmett his Epiphany.
Broke up Emmett and Edna.
Rescued Citizen Brown from the Citizen Plus program.
Escaped from Marty's cell.
Offered algae cakes to everyone.
Revealed the Hill Valley hooliganism rate.
Got Trixie ready to make Edna jealous.
Messed with Emmett's cleanser.
Crafted a mind map of Emmett that reveals him to be a "Degenerate Criminal."
Emmett is prophetically honest about his marriage prospects.
Took the fewest possible trips to Emmett's lab.
Got a good look at Trixie's postcard.
Returned home.
Emmett completes his spectacular failure at the Expo.
Restored Edna's memory.
Prevented the Great Hill Valley Fire.
Treated Desert Edna to an algae cake.
Had a conversation with a cactus.
Completed the glass house maze without going back up the stairs.
Impersonated three people over the phone.
Recorded everyone at the Expo.
Got your money's worth at the Expo.
Solved the saloon puzzle with no more than two trips to the second floor.
Busted a move, 80's style.
Discovered the origin of the "new" DeLorean.
Flawlessly mixed up a batch of Emmett's Rocket Fuel.