Play 1 multiplayer match as a counselor.
Get killed by Jason.
Play 1 multiplayer match as Jason.
Kill 1 counselor.
Play 500 multiplayer matches as a counselor.
Play 1000 multiplayer matches as a counselor.
Play 500 multiplayer matches as Jason.
Play 1000 multiplayer matches as Jason.
Kill 13 counselors.
Kill 666 counselors.
Kill 1313 counselors.
Kill all 7 counselors in a single match.
Kill all 7 counselors and Tommy Jarvis in a single match.
Play a multiplayer match as each one of the Jasons.
Play a multiplayer match as each one of the counselors.
Succesfully perform 100 car repairs.
Succesfully perform 100 boat repairs.
Succesfully perform 100 electrical and phone box repairs.
Call the police 13 times.
Call Tommy Jarvis 13 times.
Escape in the car as the driver.
Escape in the car as a passenger 13 times.
Escape in the boat as a passenger 13 times.
Escape in the boat as the driver.
Trap Jason with a bear trap 13 times.
Play as Tommy Jarvis 13 times.
Hit counselors with throwing knives 13 times.
Successfully trap a counselor 13 times.
Get killed by Jason 100 times.
Stop the car 13 times as Jason.
Escape to the police 13 times.
Hit Jason with a flare 13 times.
Stun Jason with the firecrackers 13 times.
Break free from a grab with a pocket knife 13 times.
Perform the Door Smash kill.
Break down 100 doors.
Jump through 99 closed windows.
Perform the Sleeping Bag kill.
Perform the fireplace kill.
Hit Jason with a baseball bat 100 times.
Use a first aid spray 100 times.
Shoot Jason with the shotgun 13 times.
Perform the machete dismemberment kill.
Perform every kill in the game at least once.
Playing as Tiffany, be the sole survivor in a match.
Found H2ODelirious' Teddy Bear!