First time you play a round online.
When you use the Wild Draw Four Card 10 times in tournament.
When you use the Wild Card 2 times in a round in tournament.
First time you invite your friend to play with you.
Win 10 online UNO rounds.
Play 50 online UNO rounds.
Check the leaderboard when in the TOP 50.
When you win a total of 10 matches in tournament.
When you successfully catch someone forgetting to call UNO in tournament.
When you first call UNO in tournament.
When you win a round for the first time in tournament.
When you successfully challenge an illegal use of a Wild Draw Four Card in tournament.
When you complete 10 rounds (win or lose) in tournament.
When you reach 5,000 points in Tournament play.
When you win a round without drawing any cards in tournament.