Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked.
In Shadows of Evil, complete all Rituals.
In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 crawling zombies in under 3 seconds.
In Shadows of Evil, kill a zombie from over 50m away.
In Multiplayer, reach Sergeant (Level 10) by playing in a Public Match.
In Multiplayer, get 10 Medals based on Specialist Abilities.
In Multiplayer, get 10 Specialist-based multi-kill Medals from any of the Specialist Weapons.
In Multiplayer, reach Commander (Level 55).
In Multiplayer, kill an enemy while wallrunning 10 times.
In Multiplayer, complete all Specialist Weapons Challenges.
In Multiplayer, complete all Boot Camp Challenges.
In Shadows of Evil, spot the Shadowman fives times in one game.
In Multiplayer, complete all Game Mode Challenges.
In Multiplayer, complete all Career Challenges.
In Multiplayer, earn 10 Bloodthirsty medals (5 kills without dying).
In Der Eisendrache, obtain all of the ancient bows.
In Der Eisendrache, kill every type of zombie using a minigun.
In Der Eisendrache, upgrade the Wrath of the Ancients.
In Der Eisendrache, trap and kill a Panzersoldat using the Ragnarok DG-4.
In Der Eisendrache, revive two players protected by the Ragnarok DG-4.
In Der Eisendrache, wall buy the BRM.
In Shadows of Evil, purchase and chew every type of GobbleGum in your Pack.
In Der Eisendrache, electrocute 121 zombies.
In Der Eisendrache, use every Wundersphere twice.
In Der Eisendrache, kill a zombie while being flung by a Wundersphere.
In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies that are inside of a store in one game.
In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst.
In Shadows of Evil, summon the Civil Protector in every district in a single game.
In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies ensnared by a Widow’s Wine grenade.
In Shadows of Evil, kill 2 Margwas in a single round.
In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 Parasites while riding on the train.