Reach the moon.
Collect 100 gold chests
10 Trillion Watts
Get a cave drone to level 3
Reach a total of 50 DPS or higher
Complete 250 trades
Successfully complete an excavation with a 90% or higher chance of failure.
Sacrifice a total of 50 billion minerals to the core
Bury 30 scientists
Reach level 30 on a scientist
Craft a yellow gem
Reach 750km
Total time time lapsed of 1 week
Use the chest compressor
Upgrade manager to level 3. Please help, I am working for playsaurus without food or sleep for several da
Get Oil Rig to Level 6.
Craft a purple gem
Defeat the third boss
Complete 50 trades
Click an orange fish
Kill 100 monsters.
Open 1,000 basic chests
Sacrifice a scientist to the core.
Play Mr. Mine for 24 hours.
Reach the core
Bury 10 scientists
Upgrade your chest collector to level 3.
Get a Legendary scientist
Have 1 trillion dollars at one time
Hold 4 oil at one time.
Have 4 weapons
Get Fists to Level 3.
Kill a monster
Reach the ancient underground.
Mine a Californium
Talk to the broken robot.
Upgrade earth workers to level 5
Have 10,000,000 watts on your drill.
Complete a nightmare difficulty excavation
Dig down to 100 depth.
Unlock the metal detector.
Fully complete a cave.
Have a billion dollars at one time.
Dig down to 70km.
Complete 20 quests.
Find a Polonium-3
Complete 5 trades
Unlock the manager.
Play Mr. Mine for 2 hours.
Upgrade your drill - You're on your way kid!
Return to the game after leaving
Hire 10 workers.
Talk to the golem.
Find a relic.
Have 10,000 watts on your drill.
Find a golden chest.
Dig down to 40km
Find a Diamond.
Find a Uranium-3
Have 100 Gold in your inventory at once.
Make your first trade.
Dig down to 20km
Kill a Whacko. He probably deserved it anyways...
Power up the reactor for the first time.
Reach level 5 on the reactor.
Cast a buff from the buff lab.
Stay buffed for over 24 hours.
Fully complete 10 caves
Fully complete a cave of 15 depth
Drone survive trip with less than 5% of health left and full cargo
Earn 1 Quadrillion dollars in one session
Sell $100 Quadrillion of minerals at once using sell all
Have 1 quintillion dollars at one time
Get an Einsteinium-3
Find Titanium
Mine a Promethium
Mine an Ytterbium
Reach Titan
Play for 7 days.
Timelapse for 3 days in one session
Total time time lapsed of 1 year without a DeLorean
Get a weapon to its max level
Get oil pump to level 14
Have 1,000 building materials at once
Generate 300 energy per second with the reactor
Have 5 million energy at one time in the reactor
Have 10million energy at one time
Get 10 workers on the moon