Destroy all enemies on level 12 ("Smartbomb") with a single smartbomb.
Destroy an enemy with a razorwire.
Play a game in each mode - Xbox LIVE, Local Co-Op, Wingman Bot Training, and Uberschizoid.
Shave the Orbiddles from 8 Astramoebas on a level, without destroying Astramoebas or losing a life.
Destroy 30 Schizzes on a single level, using powerups and without losing any lives.
Get a gold medal on level 5 ("My Man Flitt") without destroying any Flitts.
Complete level 21 ("Tyger Tyger") either in Local Co-Op, Xbox LIVE, or Uberschizoid.
Earn 20 silver or gold medals in Uberschizoid mode.
Earn 10 medals (any combination of gold, silver, and bronze) over Xbox LIVE.
Gold level 47 ("Los Huevos") without activating any powerups.
Destroy 2500 Scorpios.
Complete level 119 ("Ragnarok") in Uberschizoid mode.