Inspect every Dr. Austerlitz painting at the Desire Hotel.
Collect all clowns figurines.
Collect all lauv’abrarc figurines.
Get rid of Victor’s porn tape.
Eat 10 candies.
Meet Amanda Moon.
Ask every possible question during your telephone conversation with Dr. Austerlitz.
Find the room dedicated to Lust from Beyond Kickstarter backers.
Kill every character important to the story whenever you have the choice.
Spare or save every character important to the story whenever you have the choice.
Finish the “Queen of Ecstasy” chapter.
Collect 5 items revealing the history of Demiurges.
Collect 5 items revealing the story of the Queen of Pleasure.
Collect 5 items revealing the history of the Scarlet Lodge.
Play the Lust from Beyond: Scarlet melody on the theatre piano.
Commit suicide due to low sanity.
Meet Dr. Austerlitz.
Arrive in Bleakmoor.