Make it out of Berlin alive.
Disarm the nuke.
Nuke Washington DC.
Commandeer the miniature Slavda.
Sneak past the Soviet Supersoldier.
Sabotage Soviet software.
Find the hidden easter egg in the Archives.
Burn Bolscotchkovich's autobiography.
Eliminate Eierkopf from play.
Retrieve the Spytacles.
Survived Operation: Improbable.
Use 25 Shrink Ray batteries.
Find a collectible.
Wipe the CON-NEX office servers.
Steal the Stopwatch.
Make it to Moscow.
Find all the collectibles.
Finish the game on "Casual" difficulty or higher.
Finish the game on "Superspy" difficulty.
Finish the game on "Normal" difficulty or higher.
Forget the game is a stealth title 5 times in a row on the first level.
Spin a globe off its axis!
Complete the game without ever getting detected.
Complete the game without killing anyone.
Nuke Forssa.
Nuke Moscow.
Drop a shrunk guard in a paper shredder.
Shoot the shrink ray at a guard doing his business.
Get to the missile in less than 30 minutes.
Get an SS rating or higher on all missions.