Clear your first mission
Trigger Crowd Control x3 for the first time
Trigger Crowd Control x4 for the first time
Special KO 3000 enemies across multiple sessions
Crowd Control 100 times across multiple sessions
Hold on to more than 100 tokens
Perform more than 600 Special KO in a single session
Perform more than 25 Crowd Control in a single session
Earn 10 tokens in a single session
Unlock more than 20 artworks
Unlock more than 20 soundtracks
Unlock more than 6 playable characters
Unlock all other achievements
Trigger Crowd Control x5 for the first time
Defeat Killers in Mission 4
Defeat Royal in Mission 4
Defeat Triangle in Mission 4
Defeat Okada in Mission 4
Achieve Ending A
Achieve Ending B