Use your tongue to reach a new plane.
Complete To The Queen.
Score 75 near-misses while riding a rented turbo bike.
Complete Feed The Fantasy.
Get your first collectable.
Finish a fight without taking damage.
Complete At The Carn-Evil.
Complete So That's How That Works.
Complete Time For Plan B.
Complete Stumped.
Complete A Hard Axe To Follow.
Complete The Trials of Pummel Horse.
Complete Mis-treatied.
Complete Spacebrawls.
Complete We Go High.
Complete Street Justice!
Complete Bigger Than It Looks.
Complete Most Unwanted.
Complete Reaching The Peak.
Complete A Rock and A Hard Place.
Complete Emergency Stations.
Smash through 50 enemy block attempts.
Surrender to your arch-enemies.
Completed the story on any difficulty.
Defeat 100 enemies.
Use 200 Toad Abilities.
Finish off 200 enemies with morph attacks.
Destroy 50 enemies in space combat.
Get all collectables in a level.
Get a total of 25 collectables.
Get a total of 75 collectables.
Get every collectable in the game!
In 3P Co-Op, all three Toads hit the same enemy.
Revive another player during Co-Op play.
Earn a participation award in Co-Op.
In 3P Co-Op, all Toads grind a rail at the same time.
Hack a door together in Co-Op.
In 3P Co-Op, all be on bikes together - for 300 seconds!
In Co-Op complete Time For Plan B without taking a hit.
In Co-op, build up a 100-hit combo.
Finish the game on 'Battletoads' difficulty.
Earn your first 'S' Rank from an encounter.
Earn 20 'A' Ranks from encounters.
Take an enemy's photo when it's in warning distance.
Deal with your friends without any restarts.
Find a way to keep a Champion's weapon stuck.
Repair your ship without any reboots.
Escape from a Topian in less than 4 minutes.
Find the 'Warp Wall' while riding a turbo bike.
Get a flawless victory in Toadshambo.
Land a streak of 15 hits while destroying a totem.
Enter the Dlala Code. What could it be…?
Defeat 25 pink eyeballs during 'Time For Plan B'.
Freefall more than 10 metres while escaping a Topian.
Watch the credits! You know you want to.
Propped up the Jercurian tourism industry.