Finish the game from start to end in under 15 minutes. Gotta go fast, uh ?
Run a total of 1 km.
Run a total of 100 km.
Use the skywalk 50 times.
Use the ping 10 times.
Jump a total of 100 times.
Use the skywalk 10 times.
Take a red path for the first time.
Use the crystallization 5 times.
Obtain the crystallization stone.
Experience the opening of a portal.
Obtain the skywalk stone.
Use the crystallization 25 times.
Jump a total of 1000 times.
Jump a total of 500 times.
Run a total of 10 km.
Run a total of 50 km.
Slide a total of 10 minutes.
Slide a total of 2 minutes.
Slide a total of 30 seconds.
Slide a total of 5 minutes.
Listen to the menu music entirely.
Use the skywalk 100 times