Enter the small village of Grimford.
Put on all pieces of equipment from Orscha, Grimmag, Lehaine or Agathon's Lost Legacy.
Become a level 20 Steam Mechanicus.
Become a level 45 Steam Mechanicus.
Become a level 50 Steam Mechanicus.
Become a level 20 Spellweaver.
Become a level 45 Spellweaver.
Become a level 50 Spellweaver.
Become a level 20 Ranger.
Become a level 45 Ranger.
Become a level 50 Ranger.
Become a level 20 Dragonknight.
Become a level 45 Dragonknight.
Become a level 50 Dragonknight.
Defeat all enemies in the Library of Cardhun in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Brigavik in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Sildsteinn in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Telepolos in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Tetaconetl in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Fyeborough (after completing the "An Uninvited Guest" Quest) in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Sunlair's Chamber in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Kinza in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in Sargon's Shadowfort in less than 180 seconds.
Defeat all enemies in the Halls of the Dead in less than 180 seconds.
Craft 25 elixirs.
Craft 100 elixirs.
Craft 500 elixirs.
Craft {0:i} extraordinary items.
Craft {0:i} improved items.
Craft 25 potions.
Craft 100 potions.
Craft 500 potions.
Craft {0:i} magic items.
Craft 25 tonics.
Craft 100 tonics.
Craft 500 tonics.
Defeat the spider woman Arachna.
Defeat Bearach, the warrior of the goddess Artaya.
Defeat Balor, Son of the Dragon.
Defeat the killing machine, the Destructor.
Defeat Gorga, the snake goddess.
Defeat Herald of the Anderworld.
Defeat Heredur, the undead King.
Defeat Nefertari, the Temptress.
Defeat the High Priest Sigrismarr.
Enter Andrakasch, the Dwarven Capital.
Enter Ashraya, the Refuge of Atlanteans.
Enter the Island of Ellonidos.
Enter the gloomy Hogni's Mine.
Enter Jarlshofn, the Harbor City.
Enter the magnificent city of Kingshill.
Enter the besieged Werian Sanctuary.
Visit the Dwarven Expedition Camp.
Enter the embattled Resistance Command Center.
Go to Yatlpetl.
Add a costume to the Collector's Bag for the first time.
Add a mount to the Collector's Bag for the first time.
Add a pet to the Collector's Bag for the first time.