Run 2019KB in one run on 'Sprinter' difficulty.
Run 5066KB in one run on 'Jogger' difficulty.
Run a total distance of 65,535KB across all game modes.
Run 9001KB in one run on 'Stroller' difficulty or higher.
Unlock all skill-tree items, power-ups and launch costumes.
Visit five different disk sectors of Computra in one run in single-player.
Make Pixel Pete Roll 100 Times
Run 1075KB in one run on 'Racer' difficulty.
Level-up any Power-Up in the shop to max level.
Get fragmented by Deletion Dave 95.7 times.
Teleport a total distance of 2015KB.
Get fragmented 5 times by hitting red crates.
Unlock your first power-up.
Unlock your first buff.
Unlock three power-ups.
Visit K-SAN in a Samurai costume.
Visit Pixeley in a Cossack costume.
Visit iCity as Touchdown Plunk.
Visit SID-NEE as Blip
Visit LAN-DN as Polly Polygon.
Visit ND-AH for the first time.
Visit Memoria as Carnivale Pedro.
Visit Logiciel in a French costume.
Visit HAL for the first time.
Visit every sector in Computra.
Visit new sectors 86 times.
Boost all buffs in the skill tree.
Player competitive multiplayer 50 times.