Hit other players 10 times
Hit other players 100 times
Hit other players 1000 times
Hit other players 10000 times
Use a Superblow on a Battle Fan
Block 10 attacks from other players
Block 100 attacks from other players
Block 1000 attacks from other players
Block 10000 attacks from other players
Build a Balang Walker
Build a Spider Walker with Ballista
Build a Buffalo Walker
Build a Dinghy Walker
Build a Falco Walker
Build a Firefly Walker
Build a Hornet Walker
Build a Proxy Walker
Build a Schmetterling Walker
Build a Silur Walker
Build a Nomad Spider Walker
Build a Stiletto Walker
Build a Titan Walker
Build a Toboggan Walker
Build a Tusker Walker
Finish all PvP melee combat achievements
Complete the tutorial
Kill a Koa
Kill a Nurr
Kill an Okkam
Kill a Phemke
Kill a player
Kill 100 players
Kill 1000 players
Kill a Rupu
Travel out of your Cradle
Loot a draggable lootable chest with Ballista harpoon
Loot 1000 chests from ruins
Loot 1000 Rupu camps. They're just defending their homes...
Man your first walker
Participate in a successful worm hunt
Deal the killing blow to a worm