Use the Dropshot to land silently from a great height.
Use the Hushcracker to jump through a window silently (outside of the test lab).
Use the Prankspasm to knock out someone who isn't standing near a power socket (outside of the test lab).
Use the Longshot to make a guard unintentionally shoot another (outside of the test lab).
Help justify my early, not entirely wise choice of game name by holding someone at gunpoint with the Resolver.
Use the Gatecrashers to kick a door off its hinges.
Use the Gatecrashers to kick a door into a guard.
Use the Gatecrashers to kick a door through a window.
Knock a guard out by opening a door into him.
Get knocked down by an opening door.
Create a custom mission with at least one objective.
Upgrade your Bullfrog Hypertrousers to pounce instantly.
Upgrade your Bullfrog Hypertrousers to maximum jump strength.
Upgrade your battery capacity to the non-figurative max.
Jump into an Enforcer to knock him through a window.
Wire an elevator button to trigger something when the elevator arrives.
Use the Crosslink to create an infinite loop that burns itself out.
Complete a mission faster than I can.
Leave no living witnesses to your presence on a mission that has guards.
Use no violence at all on a mission that has guards.
Complete a mission that has guards with no violence, witnesses or loud noises.
Complete the game.
Publish your personalised epilogue.
Complete the police chief's missions without incriminating yourself.
Mock the chief of police at a critical moment.
Free an innocent man at the expense of catching a guilty one.
Catch a guilty man at the expense of freeing an innocent one.
Notice the story doesn't necessarily gel with the mechanics. Become qualified games journalist.