Survive 5 days in your fallout shelter.
Last for 10 days in your fallout shelter.
Stay in your fallout shelter for 20 days.
Stay alive in your fallout shelter for 40 days.
Beat the fallout shelter survival record.
Collect 10 soup cans from your house.
Collect 10 water bottles from your house.
Break or use everything possible in your shelter.
Break or use something in your fallout shelter.
Turn your fallout shelter into a madhouse.
You hunted down three monsters for a bounty.
Complete the government endorsed fallout drill.
It's all over.
Get rescued by the military.
Show those mutant roaches who is in charge.
Die in your fallout shelter.
Find a new friend.
Rescue the whole family.
Ram 1337 obstacles in your house.
Get the blessings from five stone circles. Glorious gifts await!
You've read 15 books.
You've found 8 of the Xian items.
Craft five nice magic items.
Have 12 potions made.
Find 50 outdoor locations.
Find 150 outdoor locations.
Get five mage spells to level 3.
Get ten mage spells to level 3.
Get twenty mage spells to level 3.
Get five priest spells to level 3.
Get ten priest spells to level 3.
Get twenty priest spells to level 3.
Sanctify five altars.
Dig up 50 caches.
Join the Anama!