You completed five rescue missions to earn this achievement.
You found 20 Golden Paw Prints and unlocked this achievement.
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Silver Pup Treat on any rescue mission.
You earned this achievement by completing one rescue mission.
You earned this achievement by finding a Golden Paw Print.
You found all five Golden Paw Prints on one rescue mission and earned this achievement.
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Bronze Pup Treat on any rescue mission.
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Gold Pup Treat on any rescue mission.
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Platinum Pup Treat on any rescue mission.
You completed ten rescue missions to earn this achievement.
You earned this achievement by completing all the rescue missions.
You earned this achievement by saving the day with all members of the PAW Patrol.
You found all of the Golden Paw Prints in the game! PAWfect!
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Gold Pup Treat on ten different rescue missions.
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Platinum Pup Treat on ten different mission.
You unlocked this achievement by earning a Platinum Pup Treat on every mission in the game!
You unlocked this achievement by completing all of the other achievements!