Triggered the Volatile ability
Scored a critical hit with a chainsword
Killed unit with a flame weapon
Completed the tutorial
Healed an ally
Used the fallback command
Scored a critical hit with a bolter
Unlocked a Tier 1 node in a tech tree
Unlocked a Tier 3 node in a tech tree
Unlocked a Tier 5 node in a tech tree
Completed Act One
Killed an enemy unit with a grenade
Recruited a Baal Predator
Recruited a Furioso Dreadnought
Won a skirmish battle against Blood Angels
Killed a Trygon with pistol
Killed a Hive Tyrant in a multiplayer game
Killed a Blood Angels Lieutenant in a multiplayer game
Completed Act Two
Completed the Age of Crimson Dawn campaign
Killed a Genestealer
Killed a Tyrannofex