Won a game on Hard Difficulty
Won a game on Medium Difficulty
Changed Clothes in the Contestant Creator
Won $100,000 total
Won $10,000 in one round
Looked at the Used Letter Board
Finished an online game
Won your first game
Won a game on Easy difficulty
Won an online game
Became a Minigame Champ
Played every minigame
Won $2,000 in one round
Won $5,000 in one round
Lost a prize wedge or tag by Bankrupt
Bought every vowel during a puzzle
Solved a puzzle!
Guessed five letters in a row
Spun the wheel five times in a row
Performed a gesture
Won a Toss Up
Won five games
Won 10 games
Solved a puzzle without guessing letters on your turn
Landed on Bankrupt twice in a row
Won 25 games
Owned all props for one set
Won all Toss Ups in a single game
Won a Jackpot
Won $10,000 from a Mystery Wedge
Solved 10 Unique Puzzles
Won every minigame
Won a bonus round without guessing any letters correctly
Won a vehicle!
Acquired all contestant clothes and logos
Won $25,000 in one round
Won $250,000 total
Won $35,000 in one round
Won $1M total
Won $500,000 total
Unlocked all sets and their props
Won 50 Games
Won a car by getting both ½ car tags
Won the $1M Prize
Solved a puzzle with only one letter revealed