Achieve Rank 5
Finish with the highest point total in any Versus match (minimum six players)
Finish one match of any Versus mode
Complete all class training sessions
Complete a Co-op mission without being knocked-down or killed
Finish one round of Co-op on any difficulty level
Be the first player back to the helicopter in any Co-op mission
Complete the Basic Training
Create a character
Acquire a Standard or Crown Random Box
Achieve Rank 15
Achieve Rank 30
Earn $10,000
Collect 100 crowns
Buy any Crown item
Win 10 Free-For-All matches
Win 10 Team Deathmatch matches
Win 10 Plant The Bomb matches
Complete the Regular, Skilled and Hardcore Co-op missions on a single day
Kill 3 enemies with a single grenade in Co-op or Versus
Kill 5 enemies while sliding in Co-op or Versus
Earn a kill streak of 10 in Versus
Deal over 50% of the damage to any enemy boss in a Co-op mission
Create or Join a Clan
Successfully complete 30 Contracts
Customise all slots of any primary weapon
Perform 10 climbs with your teammates in Co-op
Revive teammates 10 times in Co-op or Versus
As a Rifleman, hand out 10,000 bullets to teammates in Co-op or Versus
Get 30 kills with claymores or mines in Co-op or Versus
Win 10 Storm matches
Complete any Co-op mission while playing as part of a Clan
Kill a Heavy Gunner using Defibrilators in any Co-op mission
Collect 20 Marks
Collect 20 Badges
Collect 20 Stripes