Unlock the entire Tech Tree
Ascend to the heavens
Ascend 10 times in a single career
Fail 10 Computational Widget calculations in a row
Copy 100 frames at once
Build on every single tile of a City
Build on every tile surrounding a lake
Craft 5,000,000 Circuit Boards
Craft 5,000,000 Microprocessors
Craft 5,000,000 Nanoprocessors
Craft 5,000,000 Picoprocessors
Complete 10 Cloud Widget upload sequences in a row
Click the Create Widget button at considerable speed
Build 10 Frames
Build 100 Frames
Build 1000 Frames
Build 2500 Frames
Unlock all upgrades on a frame
Unlock all upgrades on 200 frames
Unlock all upgrades on 2000 frames
Find the Glitched frame
Craft 1,000 items by hand
Craft 1,000,000 items by hand
Craft 10,000 Basic Widgets by hand
Build the Launch Facility
Launch a Rocket
Launch 10 rockets in a single career
Launch 30 rockets in a single career
Launch 60 rockets in a single career
Don't touch your mouse or keyboard for 8 hours
Overcharge a Nuclear Power Plant
Craft 10 Omega Widgets
Craft 10,000 Omega Widgets
Craft 1,000,000 Omega Widgets
Fail at Picoprocessor quality control 10 times in a row
Unlock a placement bonus on 10 frames
Unlock a placement bonus on 250 frames
Unlock a placement bonus on 1500 frames
Unlock and utilize all Placement upgrades
Produce 1000 power per second
Produce 50,000 power per second
Reach Prestige 5
Reach Prestige 25
Reach Prestige 50
Find all 12 secret buttons
Complete the Sentient Widget memory minigame with no more than 4 mistakes
Reach Tier 2 in less than 18 minutes (Prestige 0)
Launch a rocket in less than 16 hours (Prestige 0)
Reach Tech Tier 10
Reach Tech Tier 12
Reach Tech Tier 2
Reach Tech Tier 4
Reach Tech Tier 6
Reach Tech Tier 8
Build 10 Warehouses
Build 100 Warehouses
Craft 10 Basic Widgets
Craft 10,000 Basic Widgets
Craft 10 million Basic Widgets
Craft 100 million Basic Widgets
Craft one billion Basic Widgets