Collect every angel statue and bring them back to the bus
Kill 3 enemies in a single propane tank explosion
Kill 10 elite walkers by braining them with the Esteemed Mortal
Collect 5 pillows and bring them back to the bus
Craft all types of meds and bandages (1 of each)
Brain 100 Walkers
Climb a total of 50 meters.
Unlock all craftables and complete the story
Score a basket in the Rampart gymnasium with a basketball
Eat 10 low quality food items
Fully Upgrade the Gear Station
Fully Upgrade the Gun Station
Fully Upgrade the Survival Station
Kill 15 unaware enemies
Survive 30 complete days in New Orleans (waking up, traveling to a location, and sleeping at night)
Use guts-mode 15 times.
Take medicine while you have no trace of sickness
Craft 5 different items from the Survivalist Station
Craft and eat one of each craftable food item
Unlock all craftables (including found recipes)
Kill 13 walkers with a spiked baseball bat
Fill every slot in your backpack
Craft 5 different items from the Gun Station
Kill 10 enemies with propane tank explosions
Ignite a propane tank with an explosive arrow
Open every safe
Give up a total of 10 items to survivors in need.
Brain 20 walkers with a screw driver
Survive a stirred herd for 2 minutes
Kill 30 humans
Eat 10 different food items in one day cycle
Grapple with walkers 50 times
Craft 5 different items from the Gear Station
Visit all locations
Eat 3 Twinkle Toes
Speak to a character while in guts-mode