Deliver your farm registration letter to the mayor
Catch 100 Bugs
Catch one of every bug
Catch 100 Fish
Catch one of every fish
Use a wardrobe to change your outfit!
Bake one of each Cake
Bake one of each Pie
Cook one of each Preserve
Cook one of each Soup
Catch one of each bug found on the Galaxy Island.
Catch one of each fish found on the Galaxy Island
Cook Couscous and Baked Artichoke with Goats Cheese
Harvest Grapes, Artichokes, Purple Nettle and Rhubarb
Collect Goats Milk and Brown Pheasant Feathers
Loot a forest treasure chest
Milk a Cow 100 times
Find 100 Mixed Seeds
Gather 100 Mushrooms
Plant 1000 Seeds
Mine 1000 Raw Stone
Chop 1000 Raw Wood
Reap a Gold Seed
Shear a Sheep 100 times
Gather 100 Shells
Harvest Star Jelly
Sweep a ball
Throw a ball