Spend 40 seconds total in neutral lanes in a single level.
Spend 24 seconds total in fast lanes in level 10.
Spend 15 seconds total in slow lanes in a single map.
Used your sprint ability for the first time.
Died from falling off the map.
Died from running out of bandwidth.
Die 3 times due to running out of bandwidth.
Died from falling off the map a total of 4 times.
Spend over 60 seconds total with max bandwidth in level 8.
Spend over 35 seconds total with less than half bandwidth in level 2.
Spend over 40 seconds total with more than half bandwidth in level 5.
Jump over 10 times in level 7
Triggered 42 inhibitors in level 12.
Destroy 5 inhibitors with your sprint ability in level 7.
Use the sprint ability 10 times.
Turn on and off your ping 50 times.
You saved the internet! For now...
You've survived the first level, more challenges await!
Seriously, why?