Finish Chapter 4.
Read all the entries of Rivera's journal.
Decipher the message in Chapter 4.
Finish Chapter 3.
Decipher all the messages in Chapter 3.
Kiss Sir Brash.
Finish Chapter 2.
Kill Mark.
Max out both Evil and Tactful points.
Decipher the message in Chapter 2.
Finish Chapter 1.
Decipher all the messages in Chapter 1.
Finish the game as Good Bright and as Evil Bright.
Finish Chapter 5.
Max out both Evil and Defiant points.
Max out both Good and Defiant points.
Decipher the whole message in Chapter 5.
Read the book about demonspawn in Chapter 1.
Kiss Ari.
Max out both Good and Tactful points.
Ask the demonspawn as many questions as you can.