Unlock All The Hunters And Monsters
Revive 25 incapacitated Hunters outside of the Tutorials
Kill a Stage 3 Monster while being the only Hunter alive outside of the Tutorials
Win a match without damaging any wildlife (except in Arena Mode)
Win a match in under 2:05 minutes (except in Arena Mode)
Kill the Monster while incapacitated outside of the Tutorials
Reach Elite status for a Monster
Reach Elite status for a Hunter
Kill 1,390 wildlife outside of the Tutorials
Win 25 matches in Hunt
Win 25 matches in Defend
Win 25 matches in Rescue
Win 25 matches in Nest
Complete the Hunter's Tutorial
Complete the Monster's Tutorial
Reach Elite status on all Hunters
Kill an entire Hunter team as a Stage 1 Monster
Reach Elite status on all Monsters
Win a round of Hunt while in a party of 4 players
Win a match without using your Class Ability
Kill one of each creature on Shear outside of the Tutorials
Watch the credits all the way through the end
Incapacitate a Hunter and leave them to bleed out outside of the Tutorials
Do damage to the Monster with every class in a match
Win a match having spent most of your time in Sneak outside of the Tutorials
Evolve to Stage 3 as a Monster 25 times outside of the Tutorials
Complete an entire Evacuation campaign without dying
Kill the Monster while in mid-air outside of the Tutorials
Sneak pounce the final living Hunter to end a match outside of the Tutorials
Win a match as Monster without damaging Hunters until Stage 3 outside of Tutorials and Arena
Win a match without losing any health as a Monster outside of the Tutorials
Attack a Hunter within 15 seconds of them deploying in Hunt outside of the Tutorials
Win a match in all online game modes
Obtain 25 unique Awards
Achieve rank 40
Incapacitate, hotswap, and revive yourself
Win a match with half of the team as the opposite sex outside of the Tutorials
Achieve 95% or higher accuracy against predators in a match outside of the tutorials
Destroy 100 objects outside of the Tutorials
Win Evacuation as a Hunter
Win Evacuation as a Monster
Earn Gold in the Monster Tutorial
Watch all Basic and Advanced Tutorial Videos
Create a Badge in the Profile Badge creator
Earn Gold in the Hunter Tutorial
Win a match while having spent most of the time in the air outside of the Tutorials
Win an Arena match as a Hunter
Win an Arena match as a Monster
Win 25 matches of Arena
Stage up to Stage 3 in Arena
Spectate an entire match in Observer Mode
Kill a Hunter without taking any damage outside of the Tutorials
Rescue a teammate from a Tyrant outside of the Tutorials
Kill the Monster without taking any damage outside of the Tutorials