It's a family!
Pugs, pugs, everywhere!!
You are near the podium!
Finally you got one podium placement!
Oh my Pugod!
Continue to improve, you are almost at the top!
What is this ?!
You reached the top, well done, but as a good athlete keep working even with gold! Maybe there is a higher spot.
It's Starting..
Here we go..
Keep Going!
Pugs are shining!
Fruit Loop!
You said family?
You Typed It!
With great powah it comes great pugsponsability
Scientists say that you ear better that way!
No Pugs were armed when creating and testing this game, we used pug dummies!
He is there, believe us!
I'm not sick, I swear!!
"Pugcessful Landing"
Maybe Green is the answer.
Pugease don't stop the, pugease don't stop the, pugease don't stop the music...
no info yet
Maybe you buried them somewhere in the yard?
Just get in the middle please!!!