Fully upgrade all Cult Classics
Complete your 1st Special Event!
Purchased all original Cult Classics
Purchase your 1st wheel upgrade
Purchase a Street Racer
Win your 1st Multiplayer Race
Fully upgrade a car
Upgrade a car
Complete your 1st Multiplayer race
Win your 1st Championship event!
Purchase your 1st car!
Purchase all Street Racers
Purchase a Supercar
Purchase all original Supercars
Win every original Championship event!
Win every original Special Event!
Win gold trophies on all Championships.
Win all the Cult Classics Championships
Win all the Street Racers Championships
Win all the Supercars Championships
Fully upgrade all Street Racers
Fully upgrade all Supercars
Purchased all wheel upgrades
Win 20 Multiplayer Races
Overtake 500 cars in Overtake mode
Pass through 500 Checkpoints
Hit 4 cars with a Frostbite on Yellowsnow Piste
Find all the hidden coins in Back to the 80's
Find all the hidden coins on Yo Sushi
Find all the hidden coins on Chop shop
Find all the hidden coins on Unthinkable II
Find all the hidden coins on Junk In Da Trunk
Find all the hidden coins on Can Ya Dig It?
Find all the hidden coins on Yellowsnow Piste
Find all the hidden coins on Lifes A Beach