Draw cards 1000 times in the tavern
Achieve unification in a 5V5 match with all players on your team alive
Achieve unification in a 5V5 match with all teammates defeated
Lose 5 consecutive matchmaking games in single-player mode
Win 5 consecutive matchmaking games in single-player mode
Initial wild generals are all green quality
Win 1 decisive battle
Earn a total of 100,000 gold
Draw a general for the first time in the tavern
First time entering the game through matching
Complete unification in any mode
Declare Heavenly Unification and become a Heavenly Person in any mode
Recruit 1 golden quality general
Initial recruitment of 1 orange quality general
Build 30 special buildings in one game
Be eliminated after declaring Heavenly Unification in any mode
Defeat a Heavenly Person in any mode before declaring Heavenly Unification
Grain quantity drops to 0 in one game
Research 48 technologies in one game
Issue 9 policies in one game