Earn 2 talent points
Summon 10 Whelps in 1 fight.
Use 3 Meteor cards in a single turn.
Unlock 10 Boss Mechanics.
Create 4 Firebombs in 1 turn.
Reach 10 AP in 1 turn.
Summon 100 Whelps through multiple games.
Beat 12 different Heroes through multiple games.
Survive a Raid
Play 100 Wind cards in total.
Play 100 Earth cards in total.
Unlock 20 Boss Mechanics.
Gain 500 armor through multiple games.
Gather 5000 gold in total.
Use 5 different cards in a single turn.
Apply Fire to a Charred tile.
Apply Fire to a Gust tile.
Apply Wind to a Charred tile.
Apply Earth to a Rubble tile.
Apply Fire to a Rubble tile.
Apply Earth to an Char tile.
Apply Wind to a Lava tile.
Apply Fire to a Boulder tile.
Apply Earth to a Lava tile.
Have 20 Lava tiles at the end of a fight.
Apply Earth to a Boulder tile.
Apply Fire to a Lava tile.
Apply Fire to a Tornado tile.
Apply Wind to a Boulder tile.
Apply Earth to a Tornado tile.
Apply Wind to a Tornado tile.
Apply Wind to a Rubble tile
Apply Earth to a Gust tile
Apply Wind to a Gust tile
Win a fight without losing HP.
Unlock 15 Boss Mechanics.
Unlock 5 Boss Mechanics.
Use 1 Fireball, 1 Pyro and 1 Meteor card in a single turn.
Heal 20 HP in a single turn.