Fully upgrade the Antimatter Bomb.
Unlock the Antimatter Bomb ability.
Fully upgrade the Barbed Thorn.
You reached level 8 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Bouncing Revolver.
You reached level 25 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Bullet Blizzard.
You reached level 22 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Crossing Beams.
Unlock the Crossing Beams ability.
Fully upgrade the Cryo Explosion.
Unlock the Cryo Explosion ability.
Finish your first run successfully at Difficulty Tier 1.
Finish your first run successfully at Difficulty Tier 2.
Finish your first run successfully at Difficulty Tier 3.
Finish your first run successfully at Difficulty Tier 4.
Finish your first run successfully at Difficulty Tier 5.
Finish your first run successfully at Difficulty Tier 6.
Fully upgrade the Gauss Lancer
You finished Difficulty Tier 3 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Healing Grenade.
Unlock the Healing Grenade ability.
Fully upgrade the Ion Spitter.
You finished Difficulty Tier 5 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Justice Maker.
Fully upgrade the Mine Field.
Unlock the Mine Field ability.
Fully upgrade the nova Rifle.
Reach level 15 on Difficulty Tier 6.
Fully upgrade the Plasma Puncher.
You reached level 15 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Rocket Swarm.
Unlock the Rocket Swarm ability.
Fully upgrade the Shield Barrier.
Unlock the Shield Barrier ability.
Fully upgrade the Splitshot Rifle.
You finished Difficulty Tier 2 for the first time..
Fully upgrade the Stellar Shotgun.
You finished Difficulty Tier 4 for the first time.
Fully upgrade the Taurus Maximus.
Unlock the Taurus Maximus ability.