You've destroyed 50 enemies.
You've destroyed 500 enemies.
You've destroyed 1000 enemies.
You've destroyed 1500 enemies.
You've destroyed 2500 enemies.
You've got a combo of 100
You've got a combo of 250
You've got a combo of 500
Mother of Rainbow Unicorns! You've got a combo of 1000
You've collected 4 cards
You've collected 8 cards
You've collected 12 cards
Congratulations, you are a true Card Hunter!
You've defeated 5 Superstars
You've defeated 10 Superstars
Wow! You've defeated 30 Superstars!
You've found 5 ultimate attacks
You've found 10 ultimate attacks
You've found 15 ultimate attacks
Yeah! You've found all the great ultimates of the "RURL"
You've found 5 Superfoods
You've found 10 Superfoods
You've found 15 Superfoods
You've found 20 Superfoods
You definitely know how to handle all the Superfoods
Awesome! You have freed planet earth!
You've defeated the big bad boss in Card Hunt twice
You've defeated the big bad boss in Card Hunt 3 times
You've defeated the big bad boss in Daily Run twice
You've defeated the big bad boss in Daily Run 3 times
Not fair! Y U have to defeat us?