Win a full game.
Win a game on hard.
Win a hand with a Straight Flush.
Win a hand with Four of a Kind.
Win a hand with a Full House.
Win a hand with a Flush.
Win a hand with a Straight.
Win a showdown with just a high card.
Win a showdown where you and the opponent have same hand (pair or better) and you have a better kicker.
Check a pat hand.
Win consecutive all-ins.
Win three straight pots.
Win a pot with two or more opponents when you are all in.
Knock out The Heavy after he's bought in with his special item.
Knock out Max after he's bought in with his special item.
Knock out Tycho after he's bought in with his special item.
Knock out Strong Bad after he's bought in with his special item.
Win a hand with a 6 card and a 9 card of any suit.
Win a hand when you have three of a kind comprised of three kings (of any suit).
Win 12 or more hands.