"So what did that giant cactus make you do?"
Marduk sees all, hears all, speaks magic words
Lets go of who he was so he can become who he might be
The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame
The Way to do is to be
Waking up from the unio naturalis
In filth it will be found
Coniunctio oppositorum
Man is the mirror God holds up to himself
That which we need the most will be found where we least want to look
No tree can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell
A dream... It's something you do for yourself, not for others
Die with memories, not dreams
It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself
Temet Nosce
To die will be an awfuly big adventure
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times
This is the mother-love which is one of the most moving and unforgettable memories of our lives
When you're looking you'll never find
Die at least once
Face your Shadow
Begin your Individuation journey