Temporarily saved Edmund from his animal form. Expect more easy achievements.
Temporarily saved Frankie from his animal form. He's one of the two 'bara' characters.
It makes sense in context, mom. Temporarily saved Kyle from his animal form.
Temporarily saved Miguel from his animal form. He's the other 'bara' character.
Temporarily saved Charlie from his animal form. Would you kiss a bear to save a hot guy?
Your chances of saving these boys are looking nice. Real f*ckin' nice.
You can't be givin' away your property like some kinda mook! You got financial interests to look out for, see?
Suffered for the sake of unpaid labor.
Sided with Edmund.
Sided with Kyle.
1000 Points!
2000 Points!
3000 Points!
4000 Points!
5000 Points!
6000 Points!
7000 Points!
8000 Points!
9000 Points!
10000 Points!
Nature portals!
Who understands life, doesn't hurry anymore
Leaving Saigon Sands
Leaving Transsilvania
Find out who this Lesley
Never Forget
Secret achievement
Try Retro mode